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A Senior Social Life

Have you ever wondered if senior style of dating is different from the way young people hook up with charlotte London escorts? Most London escorts date senior men. When you first start to work as an escort in London, you probably don’t think that you are going to end up dating senior men, but you do. When I look at my dating diary, I can quickly tell that most of the men that I date are seniors. Why is that? Unfortunately, as far as relationships go, many seniors end up falling along the wayside. They either don’t want to be in a relationship or have a problem establishing a new one.

Dating senior men is totally different from staying with younger guys. Do I prefer it? There are probably some London escorts who are reluctant to date senior men, but I have to admit that I like to date senior guys. When it comes to dating seniors guys, there are many perks and cons if you know what I mean. I guess most London escorts who date seniors think that it is not a lot of fun. But, that is true. Seniors are fun to be around and they love to have a good time.

When you have been with London escorts for a while, you learn that there are cons to dating senior men. Speaking from a commercial point of view, they always arrange for longer dates and they are generous tippers. When you date senior men, you will always earn more money. That is great, but there are other benefits and perks to dating senior men as a London escort as well. I really do think that all London escorts should consider dating senior men and have some fun with them.

All London escorts who are into dating senior men, know that they are a lot of fun. They will take you out for the day in their classic car or in their boat on the Thames. I love hanging around senior men. I am sure that most other London escorts would feel the same way if they knew how much fun it is to go out with older guys. Senior men also like to spoil you. If they take you shopping, or even out for the day, they often end up buying you something. I really like that about them.

I also have a lot of special memories when it comes to dating senior men. They have bought me some amazing things on London escorts dates. Sometimes one of them tend to go what I call “missing” and I do wonder what has happened to him. But, at the end of the day, I always have the memories of what they gave me to look back on. The other day I was going through my jewellery collection. I realised that many of my favorite pieces of jewellery and special gifts have come from the senior men I date as a London escorts. Of course, it is not only about the gifts and the bling. The truth is that dating senior men is some of the best fun a London escort can have.