It takes a lot of energy just to be happy with someone sometimes. And that is because he does not appreciate the time that he has with her. Having fun in a date is not going to happen if he does not really have any appreciation in what she is offering. Sometimes it is really easy to be happy with a lady. She just got to know that she is appreciated and she can feel more likely to be in the mood. A struggle in love often happens when there is too much stress and misunderstanding that is happening. Her time might seem like a small thing but one never knows where it could end. Every time seeing a lovely lady is always nice. But when she is not appreciated anymore because of seeing her all of the time already. it’s going to be harder to work with her more than ever. The harder it is to be happy with someone the easier it is to let her go. Even when there might be a lot of obstacles along the way. When he truly appreciates her that is never going to be a problem. Telling her that she means a lot is not always going to cut it. Sometimes she has to see that she is appreciated and cared for. Not taking care of a Kent escort from was really hard for her. Even though she was my girl it did not cross my mind to appreciate her until it was too late. Having to lose a Kent escort very quickie is a tough pill to swallow. But she has no fault in it. She has been dealing with a lot of pain and she wanted out. When she finally decided to call it quits that is when reality has sync in. letting her go because of stupid stuff did not really sit well. But it is hard to blame her because a Kent escort has tried to stay around and she was still not able to have a better life. There is plenty of things to learn about a Kent escort and why she had left. That kind of mistake is going to haunt me for a very long time. But I just want to keep her happy and make it seem like there is a way out. There is too much that I could have done to prevent a Kent escort from leaving but it was already too late. Realising it a bit earlier would have been a great help. but instead she had to deal with plenty of things that really did not work out. Having to let a Kent escort go is hard but it is definitely the right move for her. Regretting things is the only thing that I can do especially now that she is focusing on rebuilding her life back together. I just want to come across a Kent escort who is just like her and make things right unlike before that has been so hard.